Agenda 2040 was adopted by the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) during the commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) in 2015, and it was later adopted by the Executive Council of the African Union (AU). The Agenda elaborates on the vision of Africa’s Agenda 2063 for Africa, We Want, adopted by the AU in 2013, recognizes that Africa will promote the growth of the continent and secure its future by nurturing and nourishing its children and requires children should therefore be empowered through the full implementation of the ACRWC. In view of this, Agenda 2040 sets out ten aspirations, to be achieved By 2020 and identifies action steps, mostly to be taken by the AU Member States, for the first period of the five-phased 25-year journey ahead.
The aims of this report are to:
- Identify progress achieved by the Member States in implementing the aspirations of Agenda 2040 at the domestic level;
- Identify challenges the Member States are facing in the implementation of Agenda 2040;
- Determine priority areas that need intervention by the Member States as well as other stakeholders that are widely and gravely affecting children in the continent;
- Expose contemporary and emerging challenges that children are facing in Africa;
- Guide future endeavors towards the protection and promotion of children’s rights in Africa and
- Set a baseline for the next five-year periodic review of Agenda 2040