Zimbabwe-Human Rights Commission (ZHRC)

Agency/Organization Name
Human Rights Commission (ZHRC)
Member State
Child Rights Structures

ZHRC has nine Commissioners and Section 7 of the ZHRC Act establishes Working Groups and the Commission has established one Thematic Working Group on Children’s Rights.

Budget for Children Rights

No specific budget allocated and mostly activities on children’s rights are supported by partners

Engagement with ACERWC
  • The Commission has obtained an affiliate status before the Committee recently.
  • However, it does not have other engagements with the Committee so far.
Engagement with NANHRI
  • Member and current chair of NANHRI.
  • Engages with NANHRI and hosts its activities.
Engagement of Children

The Commission involves children in its programs on child rights such as the celebration of the Day of the African Child and its Human Rights Education Programs.

Role of NHRIs on promotion and protection of children’s rights
  • While the Commission has some activities on children’s rights in terms of monitoring and inspection, as well as awareness raising on mainstreaming children’s rights, it does not have activities targeted at the Charter and Agenda 2040.
  • Some NHRIs that have not responded to the questionnaire have also been found to have mandates that allow them to engage children’s rights. In Burundi, the National Commission for Human Rights is mandated to prepare an annual report on the human rights situation, on its activities as well as on more specific issues, in particular the rights of women and children. The National Commission of Human Rights in Chad is responsible for formulating opinions to the Government concerning freedoms and human rights, including the rights of the child in line with Article 3(a), Law 94-031 1994-09-09 PR/9. The Commission in Comoros, under its investigative powers, in Article 8(4), is mandated to ensure respect for the rights of vulnerable groups or individuals, children, and other vulnerable groups. The Commission in DRC is specifically mandated to ensure respect for the rights of women and children pursuant to Article 6(4) of its establishing law.