The Commission has a Thematic Committee on Vulnerable Groups which also works on children’s rights, headed by a commissioner. There is also a Focal Person in the Legal and Investigation Department who is responsible for women and children’s rights. There is no dedicated department or unit for children’s rights.
No specific budget for children’s rights. However, the work of the Commission includes activities aimed at the promotion and protection of the rights of children.
The Commission has applied for Affiliate Status with the Committee and has been granted the status. The NHRC has participated in virtual meetings/conferences organised by the ACERWC in partnership with NANHRI.
The NHRC in the Gambia works and supports child-focused institutions, including the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare, the Gender and Child Welfare Unit of the Police and the Child Right’s Unit of the Ministry of Justice to enhance child rights protection in the country. It has conducted a series of capacity-building workshops on human rights for law enforcement agencies, including the development of a Code of Conduct for the Gambia Police Force.
- Member of NANHRI
- Participates in all NANHRI meetings
- Supports NANHRI in organising activities in The Gambia
Over the years the work of the NHRC has engaged with children. In 2019 to commemorate International Human Rights Day, the Commission held a oneday symposium with children within the Greater Banjul Area on human rights promotion and protection. The NHRC has also organised discussions with children on human rights and hosts Open Day sessions for school children at its office
- Working with agencies including the Child Protection Alliance, Child Fund The Gambia and UNICEF to support the government fulfil its child protection obligations.
- Established a Civil Society Dialogue Platform, mainly comprising child focused agencies, to champion human and children’s rights in the country
The Commission monitors the State’s implementation of the Children’s Act 2005, which domesticates the ACRWC. The Commission is working with the Ministry of Justice to ensure State’s combined initial and periodic report is submitted to the Committee. In its Annual Reports on the Status of Human Rights in The Gambia, the Commission has been reminding the State of its obligations to promote and protect the rights of children and makes recommendations to the State for the effective realisation of the rights of children. The Commission popularises the Charter in all its human rights awareness programmes and Commemorates the Day of the African Child. 45 Africa’s Agenda 2040 for Children has not been a main focus for the Commission. However, in its engagement with relevant State agencies, the Commission always puts emphasis on the aspirations of Agenda 2040.