Niger-Commission Nationale des Droits Humains (CNDH)

Agency/Organization Name
Commission Nationale des Droits Humains (CNDH)
Member State
Child Rights Structures

The Commission has a thematic working group at the level of Directorate on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women, Children, the Elderly and Disabled Persons which is Chaired by a Commissioner.

Budget for Children Rights

No budget allocated for children’s rights and most activities of the Commission on child rights are funded by partners.

Engagement with ACERWC

The Commission has obtained affiliate status before the Committee. It also participates in the submission of reports to the Committee

Engagement with NANHRI
  • Member of NANHRI and participates in its activities
Engagement of Children

The Commission rarely engages children on celebrations and awareness raising campaigns on selected issues such as child marriage and education of the girl child.

Collaboration with Child Focused Agencies
  • Works with Plan International, Save the Children, UNFPA, European Union
Role of NHRIs on promotion and protection of children’s rights

The Commission in Niger monitors the implementation of the Charter by the government in accordance with its mandate. The Commission has not integrated Agenda 2040 in its works so far. The Commission, through its Working Group dealing with children’s rights, receives complaints about child rights and deals with such complaints as per its mandate.