Press Release

Press Statement on the occasion of the 33rd Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union

Press Statement on the occasion of the 33rd Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union

The African Commission and the ACERWC call on the AU Assembly to mobilize greater effort for silencing the guns based on human and peoples’ rights in Africa and to declare 2021 a year for collective action for addressing the threat of climate
crisis in Africa to human and peoples’ rights.

Press Release: Fact-finding mission in the Republic of Malawi to assess the situation of children with albinism.

31 August 2022- Lilongwe Drawing its mandate from the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, which empowers the ACERWC to resort to any appropriate method of investigating any matter falling within the ambit of the Charter, the ACERWC has concluded its mission in the Republic of Malawi to assess the situation of children with albinism. The mission was held on 29-31 August 2022 and was done under the auspicious of the Working Group of the ACERWC on Children with Disabilities.

Joint Retreat of ACHPR-ACERWC-AfCHPR

The African Union Human Rights Organs namely the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR), the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC), and the African Court on Human and People’s Rights (AfCHPR) are holding a retreat of legal officers of the three organs from 26-28 January, in Maputo, Republic of Mozambique, to brainstorm and exchange views on pertinent and substantive issues of common interests.

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